A serving of mustard microgreens is as good as (or even better) than your store-bought vegetables. These greens are dense with Vitamins A, B6, C, K, E, calcium, fiber, potassium, and more. After all, mustard is part of the Brassica genus, which are some of the healthiest plants out there.
Mustard microgreens is dense with protein, fibre, folate, calcium, iron. These microgreens are capable for fighting with diabetes and other lifestyle conditions. It also stimulates healthy hair growth. It helps to relieve congestion and clear out sinuses. It aids the stronger immune system.
It is said that the antioxidants in mustard greens are second only to kale. The abundance of phytonutrients such as glucosinolates and phenols in Sarson ka saag helps protect the body from diseases and environmental distress. They strengthen the immunity of the body.
We also consider it close to wasabi in terms of spiciness. Let me tell you, these microgreens blow away the wasabi in flavor. It has a deeper flavor profile than just plain old wasabi. The bottom line is, throw away your mustard bottle and use mustard microgreens on your sandwich or sushi instead!